Huawei nova 5T
Android 10.0
Write and send picture messages
A picture message is a message which can contain pictures and other media files and can be sent to other mobile phones. If you can't send and receive picture messages as soon as you've inserted your SIM, you need to set up your phone for picture messaging.
1. 1. Find "Start chat"
Press the message icon.

Press Start chat.

2. 2. Select recipient
Press the field next to "To" and key in the first letters of the recipient's name.

Press the required contact.

3. 3. Select SIM
Press the SIM drop down list.

Press the required SIM.

4. 4. Write text
Press the text input field and write the text for your picture message.

5. 5. Insert picture
Press the attach picture icon.

Press Gallery.

Press Folders and go to the required folder.

Press the required picture.

6. 6. Send picture message
Press the send icon when you've finished your picture message.

7. 7. Return to the home screen
Press the Home key to return to the home screen.